Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New pitching ground

The media mecca is always changing-- even faster than some of us might realize. Citizen journalism is at an all-time high; all you ever see on broadcast news is something regarding a new or rare face on YouTube. Our coverage methods not only have to be on target but strong and far-reaching, because today's news is old news.

Axiom is announcing a new plan of superhuman attack to keep fervent and thorough media relations correspondence at the forefront of its media strategies. At Axiom, we recognize the importance of turning a yes, no, or maybe response into future interest and future placement. Our perfect pitch sessions, occurring every Tuesday, will share guided insight from TV producers and those buffs in PR who have given themselves a voice for effective pitching counsel. We're even going to go so far as to pitch on each other's voicemail- both the crappy and catching.

Remember, as a media maven, you have 10 seconds to impress and a minute to bore a reporter if you aren't careful. Thanks to perfect pitch sessions, you and I won't be doing any more PR fluff.