Thursday, December 8, 2011

When PR stands for "Papal Relations"

The was an article recently on The Verge about the Pope using a Sony Tablet S, Sony's answer to the iPad, to light a Christmas display in a city a hundred miles away from the Vatican.

Obviously, this could very well turn into a post about technology adoption by atypical demographics.

However, the more important part of this equation to me is that the significant emphasis on the Sony Tablet's role suggests this was purely a PR move. If that theory holds true, then it's an interesting strategy on Sony's part.

Despite fairly positive reviews of its performance and unique design, the Sony Tablet S hasn't made waves in the increasingly-crowded tablet market, failing to dethrone the iPad.

Some may question the relevance of using a religious figure to promote a tablet, seeing as how the Pope's influence doesn't necessarily extend to a tech-heavy audience and most of the early adopters the tablet appeals to aren't influenced by the Pope.

But because of that overcrowding of the tablet market, the talking points for Sony can't revolve around the device itself. Tech readers have become inundated with specs and require alternative means of grabbing their attention.

That's where PR comes in.

One of the most basic goals of public relations is to generate conversation and get people talking, and there's no denying this story did the trick. They were able to combine an interesting story with the timeliness of the holiday season, without it coming across as a cheap stunt.