Thursday, August 7, 2008

Word of the Week

There are numerous phrases/words used online that a lot of people have no clue what they mean. I assume most people on blogs know the basics: lol, g2g, brb, omg. But what about some of the other phrases?

Each week, we will feature a word of the week. Today that word is...(insert drumroll)..:

FTW or For The Win

For The Win or FTW is used to give support to a person or product. If you are comparing computers, you might post "Macs FTW!" in a message board.


I believe the origin comes from soccer or more so futbol from Europe. It is a phrase that you commonly hear in sports. Think of a tied-up Lakers game with Kobe taking a shot at the buzzer. The announcer will probably say "Kobe, for the win!"

There you go. Surf the web. Give the phrase a try. If you have kids, you can freak them out by using it. Have fun.

Axiom FTW!

Free China?!?

Google is launching a new music service called Music Onebox in China. People can actually download, not stream, tracks for free. The service is supported through ad revenue.

At this point, record labels really have no choice but to try a service like this in China, since 99% of people don't pay for music over there.

Mashable has a good summary of the service here.

Blog post about killer blog posts

B.L. Ochman has a lot of valuable tips when it comes to social media and blogging. Below are the main points from the article. I deeply encourage you read the whole thing.

- Short, declarative sentences are good
- Link like crazy
- Write less
- Aim at keeping your posts about 250 words
- Don't take yourself too seriously
- Write like it counts

Check out the full story here!