Monday, March 5, 2012

Newspapers Are Happily "App-ing"

by Mike Reiber

The newspaper business has been bleeding red ink for many years. Is it on it last breath? I think not. Adversity has unleashed long-needed innovations in the newspaper business. Innovations which can be harnessed to create consideration, preference and purchase in addition to basic awareness.

Consider this. According to the Newspaper Association of America, newspaper websites averaged more than 111 million unique visitors in Q4 2011. This represents an increase of 6 million compared to the same period in 2010. The association reports that 63% of adult internet users visit newspaper websites. Reach among the key 18-34 demographic remained at or above 60 percent. Lastly, seventy percent of households with income above $60,000 are reached by websites. This number climbs to 75 percent for households with incomes above $100,000.

These are just a few reasons why newspapers underpin many of our successful marketing and sales campaigns. The real question is how to harness the new innovations which are predominately app-focused. Whether it's fashion, gaming, ticket sales or even cause-related, these days it's the Wild West for apps.

Below are a few questions to ask yourself, your team and your agency partners:

1.) What apps are under development by your local daily newspaper?
2.) How can you creatively partner with the newspaper team while the apps are in beta test mode?
3.) What non-traditional resources can you bring to the partnership that will bring a unique twist to the app launch?
4.) What's happening in other countries where newspapers are under siege?