Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Social Media Christmas

Daily Axioms will be taking a short Christmas break. While we won't be doing daily posts again until January, we will try our best to post a few times over the break. We will be back in 2009 with more social media commentary from Axiom Marketing's social media team.

A huge component of both Christmas and of social media is giving, so it only seems natural for the two to work well together. The power of bringing people together with social media has been seen in many creative ways this year, so let's end the year on the right foot.

How You Can Give: Please head on over to The Squidoo Holiday Twitterdrive for Charity. Everyday, you can vote for your favorite charity on the list and $1 will be donated to them. All the votes are being tracked from Twitter and they are giving away up to $30,000. Make sure to vote every day!

How We Can Give: We want this post a Christmas wish-list for you. What are the topics you would like us to cover next year on Daily Axioms? What can we improve? What is it that you need from us?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.