Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How Low Can You Go?

Some people will do anything for attention. A designer has produced an extremely offensive t-shirt. He claims that a college girl who wore the shirt is suing him. Supposedly, four girls outside a New York subway station attacked the girl wearing the shirt. The designer sent this “information” out to the press, with contact info for the girl and her lawyers (why?), who will not pick up their phones. Despite the obvious signs of a bad marketing ploy, Metro ran it on the front page. That editor is now being fired.

Another shirt by the same designer reads "Obama = Hitler". What!? Comparing Hitler to Obama is obviously grossly historically wrong, but also trivializes the atrocities Hitler committed. Even the most staunch anti-Obama spokesperson couldn't accuse him of slaughtering millions. Also notice the girl wearing the first t-shirt is also wearing a star of David necklace in the picture. Because what the Jewish community needs is more negative press. Thanks!

The shirt disgusts me to the extent that I don’t feel comfortable repeating the slogan printed on it (you can follow the link if you must know). And I’m disgusted that a story like this, even if the editor thought it was real, gets front page coverage. In a time when the printing press is dying, it may be tempting to follow the old axiom “if it bleeds, it leads”. But why not offer something that few blogs can: quality, consistent journalism? Newspapers have the time and resources to check out their stories, this angle may be what saves them from going under.