Friday, January 6, 2012

Innovative Recruitment Tool: The Social Interview

There's a lot you can learn from looking at a person's Facebook profile. What was their last status update? Are there incriminating photos? What brands and causes do they like? And most tellingly, what do their friends say about them?

Now, recruiters at R/GA have a tool to answer that last question. The digital advertising agency has created an app that places the interview right on a candidate's Facebook profile. As part of the interview process, hopeful interns have three questions posted to their profile for their Facebook friends to answer. Take a look at the video below to see it in action:

I'm not quite sure if this would make me more nervous or not. After all, it's the living, breathing embodiment of the peer review, and positive feedback from an outside source is invaluable. However, leaving the fate of your internship in the hands of your friends is quite the trust-fall.

Either way, it's one more way that recruiters are leveraging social media for their employment needs.