Thursday, April 9, 2009

Twegg Drop: Triple Your Chances of Winning the Kindle 2!

In the spirit of this Holiday weekend, we’re giving Twegg Drop participants the opportunity to triple their chances of winning the Kindle 2! This Friday, recommend @MLFNOW as a non-profit to follow for #goodfollowfriday (instructions on how to do it are below). So to summarize, below is a listing of all the ways you can enter our 2009 Easter Twegg Drop. We'll pick a winner on Tuesday, April 14. List of all the entrants will be posted on Monday.

And remember, deadline for entries is Easter Sunday at midnight!
  1. Tweet: Follow @MLFNOW because they are a social outreach ministry for the homeless and indigent working poor #goodfollowfriday
  2. Tweet the message: Real Eggs for the Hungry. Win a Kindle 2! #tweggdrop and your Twitter handle will be put into an egg in the Axiom phone booth.
  3. Make a direct egg donation of $5 or more to Mobile Loaves & Fishes at their site (
Alas-- one more Twegg video update, with the culmination of our live video streaming of the egg rollout next Tuesday. We have 230 Twegg entries now. Happy Passover, Easter... Holidays!