Monday, December 1, 2008

Stay in Character for Blogging's Sake

No one knows yourself better than you, so why second hand your content, or “ghost write” it? Companies and icons attempt to cut corners when it comes to building community online—simply by using another’s voice.

Kanye West blogged… somehow behind bars. (Funny - I didn’t know guardsmen allowed laptops). Is Britney Spears really on the microblog Twitter? You be the judge based on the content.

Brand deficit may be a realization for Mr. West, but Britney will be just fine. A poster child for ChumbaWumba’s “TubThumpin,” Ms. Spears is a perfect example of brands never being kept down, those only leading to more fame and fortune.

I’ve come across a lot of social platforms with great attempts at brand tenacity, though I have to say _S_A_R_A_H_ on Twitter stays in character, thanks to some great PR brains. Part of the hit Sci-Fi series “Eureka,” _S_A_R_A_H_ can hold a brand identity all her own and needn’t apologize for her @ replies to marriage proposals. We can all learn a valuable lesson from _S_A_R_A_H_. Stay in voice whether you’re a celebrity, avatar, or a Self Actuated Residential Automated Habitat.