Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Last Night, Facebook became Twitter

Did you notice something last night on Facebook? I did. A lot of people were updating their statuses frequently while the election results came in. It reminded me of something else....oh yeah, Twitter.

I would estimate that about 98% of my Facebook friends are currently not on Twitter, so this was very interesting to watch. A few people commented on how much fun they were having checking the updated statuses of everyone. This furthers my belief that Twitter will eventually go mainstream. It is still with the early adapters, but I believe it is nearing the tipping point.

When the status feature of Facebook was first introduced, it was mocked just like Twitter is by some people, "Why do I care what you had for lunch?" But eventually people have embraced the status feature, which is what I believe will soon happen with Twitter. There is value in both, but it is up to you to find where the value is.