Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Facebook: Home of the Hypertargeted Ad

While casually browsing Facebook the last few weeks I have been constantly paying more attention to the advertisements on the right side of the screen. I've noticed that about 75% of the time, the advertisement features information that is directly from my profile.

I have seen at least three other advertisements similar to the one on the right, all featuring artists that are mentioned in my Facebook profile. The two artists on the right are the first two listed in my 'favorite music' section of my profile. Obviously, this ad caught my eye. Other ads that are even more targeted have featured one of my Facebook friends, mentioning a recent trip that they went on. Below their picture is a link to a travel company.

Targeted or Intrusive?

Do I enjoy banner ads? No. But would I rather see banner ads featuring my favorite musicians than Viagra ads? Of course. I realize that Facebook needs to monetize some how and banner ads are one aspect of that. I'm sure that a lot of people find this form of targeted advertising intrusive and annoying, but considering all alternatives I don't mind it.

What do you think: Targeted, Intrusive, or Both?