Most of us read blogs (you are reading one right now!), but do we know proper etiquette as a reader? Here is a list of suggestions for proper behavior when reading and interacting with a blog.
If its your first time commenting, introduce yourself. Bloggers love to meet their readers and develop relationships with them. Let the blogger know where you found their blog and a little about who you are (but don't over promote yourself).
Do not (immediately) self promote. Don't do it. Nothing will tick off a blogger quicker than if you enter their blog space, give nothing back to the conversation, and then plaster the comments with an unwelcome ad touting your work. Add value to the conversation, build a relationship, and work to naturally earn the attention you are seeking.
If you read often or found the topic helpful, leave a comment. Blogging consistently about relevant topics can be hard (we post on Daily Axioms at least once a day), and leaving a comment is where writers can find the energy to keep working hard.
Put quality into your comment. While its nice to leave a "great post!" remark for a blogger, its even more helpful put some time and thought into your comment. Leaving additional links and resources that add to the conversation will show the blogger that you read their post, understood what they were talking about, and want to be in the dialogue of the conversation.
Read the other comments before leaving your own. You wouldn't come into a room and jump into the conversation without listening for a little bit first. Your idea or comment might have already been said, so make sure to get the full picture of where the conversation is at before sticking your foot in your mouth.
If you found the topic helpful, click an ad. I got this idea from
Seth Godin, and it has really changed my thinking about online ads. Clicking the ad is an easy way to throw a coin in the tip jar and say thank you to a blogger. Its free for you, only takes half a second, and rewards good content when you find it.
Share the blog or post in other places. Another way to show the blogger love is to Tweet a link to their post, bookmark it on Digg, or send it to a friend on Facebook who would find it helpful. Bloggers will see this as an act that builds relationship and trust.
If you are leaning towards commenting anonymously, think twice about what you are writing. A lot of people think that if they post a comment anonymously, they can write whatever they want. I have read a lot of horrible personal attacks and unfounded remarks made by anonymous commenters. Its okay to disagree, but do it in a constructive and respectful way.
Do not mass email/pitch bloggers. This should not be done with newspapers or television either, and bloggers will delete your email just as fast. Figure out who the author is, read their blogs posts, and then if you still think your product or service would interest them, find the most appropriate way to let them know about it. Pitching yourself on their most recent post probably isn't the best way.
Point out spelling errors, but do so discreetly. No one is perfect and when a grammar mistake, spelling blunder, or broken link slips through the cracks, bloggers want to fix the error as soon as they can. Help them out by kindly letting them know. Once again, a better option than a comment is to Tweet, email or Facebook them through a DM or private message.
Stop lurking and join in! Become part of the conversation (notice the reoccurring theme yet?) and let the blogger know you are out there. Bloggers are not unlike you and can be very approachable especially if you just apply the Golden Rule. Who knows what mutual benefit could be formed if you actually got to know them?
I know you all have other suggestions. What are some of your rules for reading blogs?