Google has created a social networking site of its own, Google+. The program will allow users to create circles of friends, video chat with friends who are online, collect stories and videos you like, and much more. All features are designed to be as easy and user-friendly as possible.
Sounds great, right? Well Google isn't receiving entirely praises. Two of the main gripes are that the layout is extremely similar to Facebook's layout, and that you need to be invited onto the site (just like Facebook's early years). Both of these have positive sides, however. The Facebook-like design will make it more familiar to users, meaning easier to pick up on. The invitation-only membership will not be a problem once more people use the program. As more people join the network they can invite more and more friends.
The program is still new. I am very excited to see how it changes and adapts to users' comments! I have no doubt that Google+ will give Facebook a run for its money!