There are still a lot of hard core skeptics that think this "social media thing" will soon pass just like all the other trends and fads. "It's a waste of time, pointless, not worth the time to learn."
That's what they said about the television and even the internet.
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social networks may not be around in years to come, but the ideas are here to stay. The choice and consequences are pretty simple. Knowing that things are going to continue to move in this direction, you can start to learn about it now and think about how it will affect your business/industry/career/life. You can then have a head start and start to evolve those areas. Since you are reading this blog, you have probably already decided to go this route. The other option is that you can avoid and reject change. Ignore it long enough and you might become the next music industry or newspaper industry.
Social media and Web 2.0 are here to stay.