Blogs are bubbling with news about Barack Obama. His new cabinet picks, his plans for the crucial first one hundred days, and...his workout routine?
Obama's been known to work out in regular gyms, which has anyone who has been beside him rushing online to dish the juicy details. A google search on "Obama Workout" turns up over 4 million results(!), the first page containing results from noted blogs such as Politico, the LA Times, and Buzzfeed. To which we respond: Seriously? The highlights of descriptions include details of humming while he bikes, not breaking a sweat while he works out, and having hands that are as "soft as butter".
Social media is a great tool, but some of this "news" is pretty unnecessary. In the olden days of newspapers, this wouldn't be such a phenomenon. But then again, if the public wants it, who's to say they're wrong? We'll stick to real news here at Axiom, though.