The Beatles is the ultimate brand. They captured the attention of millions and built a career on continually pushing themselves forward with the music they released. While there are many reasons for their success, I believe it can be traced back to a central idea: content quality. People who love music know that The White Album is one of the most important albums of all time, so when an announcement that copy #5 going up for sale on eBay is made, no hype is required. People are automatically hooked by the pure facts. No elaborate marketing campaign is needed to build awareness of the news.
While most companies will never reach the heights the Beatles have attained, there are several lessons to learn from their success:
1.) Genuine word of mouth has staying power. The Beatles are cemented in history and still get attention today because of the power is genuine word of mouth. They gave people something real and true to talk about, not just a fad that wears out quickly. Word of mouth has been and will always be the best way to gain attention. An important goal of every brand should be to reach a point at which they can consistently rely on word of mouth to get their messages spread.
2.) Consistency is the difference. Vanilla Ice does not have a huge loyal fan following. To succeed, you must constantly and consistently create content that is worth being talked about. To reach maximum word of mouth potential, there must be proof that you want to do more than make a quick buck or have your 15-minutes of fame. Hard work must still happen, but being patient for the results can be the difference. The Beatles may have put it best themselves: "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
3.) Quality content does not need spin. If something genuinely touches a person, they will share it with others regardless of what is popular at the time. The Beatles music is timeless and true. Which brands can say that they are creating lasting content? Instead of spending tons of time and energy trying to make the ordinary exciting, spend time creating great content that will naturally be exciting to those who want to hear about it.