The availability of some reporters over others provides new insight into a common dilemma circulating the desks of many PR professionals: when are they there?
No one likes leaving a voicemail, though I can tell you from personal experience that, sometimes, it pays off. The Star Tribune in Minneapolis offers a relatively good circulation number for spin doctors to make use of. A quick message on Gail Rosenblum's voice messaging system resulted in a phone call from Gail herself! I was elated and so was she. Funny enough-- I wasn't there when she called me. So I listened to my vm: "It's not quite right but feel free to pitch me in the future." Objective met-- a relationship was built.
Later on, I called Gail and pitched her another idea. A few days went by, an article appeared in the Tribune's Sunday Source section... front page.
An avid pitcher, I have now come to grips with a most befuddling reality. It's easier to get an e-mail response from Time Magazine than it is to get one from the Sacramento Bee.
What does this suggest, ladies and gents? How good and appropriate your pitch is.
As for when a reporter is there, get to know their schedule by very strategic phone calling. Morning, afternoon, end of work day. Good luck.