While some praised the UK's recent participation in the closing ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics, many Chinese are being
very critical of England's part in the handover performance. Chinese bloggers and news sources are complaining about most of the aspects of the ceremony. They are saying Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin's legendary guitarist who performed the band's hit "Whole Lotta Love") and singer Leona Lewis were not famous enough for Chinese viewers. They are saying David Beckham missed the spot in the crowd he was aiming for when kicking the soccer ball. They are also saying London's Mayor Boris Johnson was too casual with accepting the flag, even disrepecting the Chinese by "putting his hand in his pocket." One source said, "The British seem to like to laugh about their stupidity in a funny way" and that the performance was "beyond their comprehension."
While I understand that the Chinese display was nothing less than spectacular and mezmarizing (something to be proud of accomplishing), is this really the ending note that China wants to strike with London or the world's viewers? The Olympics are about unity and good sportsmanlike competition. No one liked to watch Bolt's overzealous and rude celebrations when he won his races (though no one denied he is fast). Once again, China had an opportunity for positive PR and respect from the world (which is the very thing they have been trying so hard to get throughout the Olympic Games) and in their attempt, they have cast a shadow on what would have been good.