I'm thinking Google may have taken a page out of Axiom's book with their upcoming promotion for the new Google Voice calling technology.
Google's plan is to put red telephone booths in public venues (mostly airports and college campuses) to generate buzz about Google Voice. And these phone booths aren't just meant to sit around and look pretty, they are working phones integrated with the Google Voice feature. Step into one of the booths and you can test out the feature with free domestic and international calls.
If the idea of phone booths sounds familiar, it should. That's because here on the Daily Axioms blog I've made many references to our own Axiom phone booth that sits in our lobby.

Hey communication is communication, right? So why not feature one of the early versions of it. Also, I'm all for any promotion that infuse a little nostalgia with some product testing. Hopefully, this will inspire more phone booth-focused promotions in the future.