My hope for this post is to answer the following question:
What could I add to my resume that would help me get a job?
Many people go through the routine (especially when jobless) of submitting resumes and cover letters, waiting to hear about the position, and then repeating the cycle if success is not found. What if, in addition to continuing to pursue jobs, we could add more value to our portfolio of experience? It's exciting to think of all the chances that we have to improve our future. Here are 100 suggestions for things that could add value to your resume (thanks to everyone who contributed to compiling this list):
1. Volunteer at a local food organization.
2. Start a charity.
3. Raise $10,000 for a charity.
4. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity.
5. Walk dogs at the Humane Society.
6. Work for Meals on Wheels.
7. Organize a craft project at a nursing home.
8. Give some of your time at an elementary school as a field trip assistant or lunch room monitor.
9. Help at an after school program.
10. Volunteer for a political group.
11. Go on a volunteer vacation.
12. Volunteer to be a book reader at the public library.
13. Organize a neighborhood trash clean up project.
14. Tutor immigrant children.
15. Coach a little-league team.
16. Help out at a church youth group or youth retreat.
17. Learn Spanish.
18. Learn Chinese.
19. Learn German.
20. Learn HTML.
21. Learn CSS.
22. Learn Flash.
23. Learn inDesign.
24. Learn how to convert computer files between different formats.
25. Learn how to use Technorati.
26. Learn how to use Friendfeed.
27. Learn how to use Feedburner.
28. Become proficient at Twitter.
29. Set up a LinkedIn profile.
30. Write a helpful book.
31. Learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
32. Learn the ins and outs of how Google search works.
33. Learn how to use an Apple.
34. Become comfortable with RSS Feeds and RSS Readers.
35. Learn how to put together a social media press release.
36. Learn how to put together a traditional press release.
37. Take a course in accounting.
38. Master Google Analytics.
39. Understand the differences between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
40. Get comfortable with PowerPoint.
41. Learn how to track click-throughs on links.
42. Learn how to use all the Google tools.
43. Learn how to use a picture camera - digital and film
44. Learn how to use a video camera.
45. Learn the basics of audio recording.
46. Practice communication and building relationships through email.
47. Get a mentor in your field.
48. Attend a Social Media Club/Social Media Breakfast in your city.
49. Build a relationship with an influential blogger.
50. Sign up for HARO.
51. Seek out recommendations from the top people in your field.
52. Join a public speaking group.
53. Have one meaningful conversation with someone each week on Twitter.
54. Attend free social media seminar teleconferences.
55. Create a networking group on an online community.
56. Start a discussion forum or group in LinkedIn.
57. Join an association within your field.
58. Get involved with the alumni association of your college.
59. Find the people that are passionate, meet them, and get involved with what they are doing.
60. Practice your elevator speech about yourself.
61. Put together a movie project.
62. Get featured as a contributor on an online video series, blog, or column.
63. Build a useful and highly used Facebook application.
64. Start a blog about your passion.
65. Write a short blog post that gets the point across.
66. Write a very detailed blog post that requires a lot of research.
67. Be the first to talk about a hot topic.
68. Improve your Google search results for your name.
69. Find a creative way to show what you've done (go beyond just telling).
70. Successfully pitch a story that gets placed in your local paper.
71. Give case studies of your projects with quantifiable results.
72. Plan a large community event.
73. Freelance a writing project.
74. Start a blog about job searching.
75. Build a profitable Squidoo lens.
76. Teach a community education class.
77. Discover your niche within your field and become the expert in it.
78. Be a guest speaker in a high school class.
79. Meet with your local newspaper and give them an idea for how to make money.
80. Find something you can do in 1 hour that takes other people 2 hours. Show how you do it.
Resume Tweaks
81. Identify 2-3 areas of expertise to bullet-point on top of resume.
82. Buy www.yourname.com.
83. Be a Purple Cow.
84. Don't put these 6 words on your resume.
85. Make sure to have a professional sounding email address.
86. Take a Myers Briggs test.
87. Find a way to fit your resume all on one page.
88. Create a consistent online brand.
89. Consider a creative resume design.
Be Well Rounded
90. Read more books.
91. Learn to play guitar.
92. Take a cooking class.
93. Join a sports league.
94. Join a book club.
95. Start a club.
96. Read Mashable, Techcrunch, and other blogs daily to learn more ways to be ahead of the curve.
97. Become comfortable with talking about a subject on video.
98. Grow a garden.
99. Teach yourself a skill that doesn't relate to your field of work, but is difficult to learn.
100. Join a choir.
101. Finish a marathon.