Twin Cities-based artist Phil Hansen isn't a household name yet, but don't be surprised if that soon changes. Without the big bucks in his pocket to hire fancy public relations firms or high-priced talent agents, Phil's decided to spread his own word through the use of social media.
His online influence has increased significantly since he began posting videos of his projects on Youtube and Facebook. Phil's latest series, which he's titled Art Happening, strives to be as topical and culturally relevant as possible in order to appeal to a wide range of demographics without diluting the work's fundamental essence.
It seems to be working. The Art Happening series has attracted the attention of CNN, Dr. Phil, and thousands of eager viewers and art lovers throughout the vast online community.
We spoke with Phil about his DIY approach to marketing his unique artwork, as well as the challenges, benefits, and drawbacks that come with putting your own creative vision out into the world for all to see...