In fact, Susan Boyle’s fans span all age groups. As we peruse comments on YouTube and blogs, you see moms talking about how their 8-year old daughter or son felt inspired by Boyle—or an unemployed husband-wife team now sees “hope” in the world again. Are these psychological, fabricated hope concoctions or are people truly being moved spiritually, emotionally, and mentally?
If 40+ million views on YouTube (based on combined total of all views on original and subsequent versions) can shed some light on the Boyle song event, I’d say it’s the biggest community reunion since 9/11, and it wasn’t founded on tragedy; rather, built upon a last-chance moment and a plea to see beyond the physical. At 47, you don’t see many taking such a sky dive like Boyle did, and that’s why we’re all eating this up. She’s David. The Mockers are Goliath, or should I say were.
Though, Boyle is still battling skeptics long after her angelic voice was first heard. Reports claim she lip-synced. Reports also claim the judges already knew what Boyle could vocally do and their reactions were bunk. I have to completely disagree with all this, because I don’t think contrived moments can make such impacts. A well-crafted, well-scripted 7-minute David vs. Goliath story can’t do it naturally. After all, the genuine article is what everyone wants to see conveyed whether on TV or in-person. Susan Boyle keeps it natural, and that’s why she’s the biggest viral success story—ever.
As the world of marketers continues to see that genuine articles are the key to viral spread, we might be waiting a while to see another great moment unscripted and unpolished.
P.S. Looks don't matter, heart does.