My favorite radio station, The Current, is an indie public radio station based in Minneapolis. This week they are having a member drive for financial support. The station is completely funded by donations and therefore depends on the growth of their member base. In its 4 years on the air, word of mouth has spread the station all over the world and their model has been deemed a successful model for how independent and community-based radio is done. Of course you can donate any time, but during member drives, most of The Current's budget for the year comes in.
I've seen blogs go with a few different options for recruiting new readers. Some have their own type of "member drive," occasionally reminding readers in a post to take the next step and become a more involved member of the community by signing up for the RSS feed (or making a comment). Some make a clear push by including a "Did you like what you read, then sign up here" type of approach at the top or bottom of each new blog post. Others prefer to not make outright requests for new readers, but let the community spread word if they like what they read.
I asked "Ask for new RSS members or not?" on Twitter and here's what a few people said: