For the past 5 years it has become an annual tradition of mine and many of my friends to wrap ourselves up in tinfoil and visit a nearby
Chipotle (or two). Every Halloween, Chipotle offers all customers a free burrito for wearing their best tinfoil costumes, which is what their famous burritos are wrapped in.
While waiting in line, a common discussion often arises to the total national cost to Chipotle of having a free burrito night. A lot of people wonder if the profits can really outweigh the costs to giving away so much free food, but I have no doubt that this day is gold for Chipotle.
- Chipotle kills at word of mouth advertising. Literally thousands of people will line up today for a free burrito and many will be there because their friends told them. Chipotle buys little traditional advertising because they don't need to - their tinfoil-wrapped customers are walking advertisements. When people drive by a Chipotle and see a line of strangely dressed people streaming out the door, they are intrigued and tell others. Facebook fan pages and event invites, personal blogs, and twitter will all be buzzing simply because Chipotle is doing something different and exciting.
What things have you done with your brand to create excitement that spreads like wildfire through word of mouth?
- Chipotle has created an experience. Standing in line with 200 people dressed in tinfoil not only creates a memorable visual experience for people, but it brings strangers together under a unifying idea (we all like free food and an excuse to do something crazy!). The tinfoil costumes become elaborate providing more fun and excitement to the whole event.
Do your customers leave with an experience they want again and again?
- Not only do people get excited around Halloween, but people associate Chipotle with giving away free food. When a new restaurant opens, they often give away free burritos. A friend of mine told me that he once forgot his wallet, and the manager quickly responded, "Don't worry about it, it's on me." The brand has created fierce customer loyalty that extends throughout the year.
Are you treating your customers differently than your competitors?