We’re also looking for someone who has confidence; it’s a no-brainer for delivering messages over the phone, in meetings, and via e-mail. Due to our small office environment, ideal candidate must demonstrate independent work ethic, so it’s preferable to have previous internship/class experience in marketing, PR, journalism.
But the biggest thing you must possess… is a love for emerging media platforms and technologies like FriendFeed, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and a number of blogs that benefit Axiom’s clientele. This doesn’t mean you know of them-- it means you use them and understand how businesses can market their products by leveraging multiple social networks. Like to write about social media? Good. You’ll be a daily contributor to our Daily Axioms blog and assist in developing strong word-of-mouth buzz for our guerrilla marketing adventure, the Phone Booth.
If that sounds like you, @ reply either Drew or me on Twitter and we’ll send you off to the guy who hires!
Axiom Marketing Communications is based in the Twin Cities. Only locals may apply!