With my entries, I hope to explore how the entertainment industry is using social media and get off-topic once in a while. I am passionate about social media and talking; therefore, I blog. I should tell you about myself before you read my posts and let you know that my last name is more of an adjective than a noun.
Through Facebook I was able to reconnect with a friend from Italy that I hadn’t spoken to in 14 years. I went to Scotland to see her this past May. Social media also allows me to keep in touch with cousins in Italy and replay my mother’s fantastic Italo-disco days. Professionally, social media has pushed me to be creative and accept that anything is possible. Live from our basements, power is relative.
I was born crying, pudgy, and stubborn to a Michele (Mike) Loca and Jane Hilleren, November 1 in Milan, Italy. My parents were part of the Italo-disco movement in the 1980s, which resulted in fantastic dress up clothes and me. My dad left home at fifteen to play music at an American base in Germany where soldiers traveling in and out of Vietnam stayed. He once played for the Shah of Iran. My mom is on You Tube. I unfortunately didn’t inherit their musical gifts. I failed miserably at the violin and virtually lip-synched through show choir in high school. In 1994, my family moved from the metropolis of Milano and the Loca family to the suburbia of Bloomington, Minnesota and the Hillerens. I had to learn English, the lunch line, and casual outfits.
At my high school open house I only allowed a single picture of the 6th to 9th grade years to be displayed. Adolescence, enough said. My high school years were consumed by my passion for dance. That passion hasn’t died, but expanded into a passion for the arts in general. Coffee shops, travel, performing in local shows, and public relation classes pretty much sum up college.
The four warm days of the year I love being outside in downtown or uptown. I love to read. It’s the most smartest way to learn (see what I mean:). Ithaca is my favorite poem and Fahrenheit 451 is my favorite book. The Odd Couple II has been my favorite movie since 5th grade. The likes of Frank Sinatra, Miles Davis, Erykah Badu, Sting, John Mayer, Adele and Sergio Mendes tickle my ears often. In another life, I inherited millions of dollars and traveled for years. I love to explore new cultures and meet new people. Don’t ask me about sports.
I am only passionate about sports gossip or when I know a player…
At a baseball game, junior year of high school:
“How many quarters are there?”
Having spoken to Amir Pinnix on the bus for an entire semester and attending a majority of the home games:
“So how’s the wide receiver coach treating you?”
I still couldn’t tell you the position my brother played in football for six years.
However, I do know that Joe DiMaggio was furious when Marilyn Monroe did her infamous white dress Seven Year Itch photoshoot.
In conclusion, I hope you benefit from and/or are entertained by my future posts. Most of all, I hope to start conversations.
Sara LaLaLoca
The intern