This is too good. Legal analyst of CNN Jeffrey Toobin was caught checking his facebook during last nights presidential debate. Come on Jeffrey, they weren't that boring, were they?
If even CNN analysts can't pay attention to a debate, what chance do the rest of us have?
"Tribes" is the title of Seth Godin's new book on marketing and leadership. He has a great blog post about it here. Below is an excerpt:
Social media's growth in the last three years, though, gives marketers an inkling that there may be something else going on. Sure, they can run spam ads on Facebook, but they don't work. Social media, it turns out, isn't about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed. We want to belong, and yes, we want to be led.
This is another Seth Godin book that I will probably end up reading eventually. In the mean time, want the free Tribes ebook? Get it here.
Last nights debate was kind of weird, right? In addition to usual problems of quibbling over statistics, there was a bizarre section where McCain and Obama started courting "Joe the Plumber". I thought this was a symbolic gesture, but today's headlines show that there is a real guy named Joe they were actually addressing.
Joe is apparently a plumber who hopes to buy his own plumbing company, and makes just over $250,000 a year. This number is important because Obama wants to raise taxes from 36% to 39% for anyone who makes over a quarter of a million annually. Joe's in this demographic, and he's not happy about it. He confronted Obama on a clip that showed up on youtube (above).
There's speculation about who Joe really is; he doesn't have a plumbing or contracting license, and he owes tax money. Daily Kos suspects that he's a relative of Charles Keating, and a GOP plant. He's also getting negative attention for making some latently racist comments about Obama tap-dancing "almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr."
On the other hand, many Americans are relating to Joe, who preaches that people should learn about the issues for themselves and ask tough questions. He's even inspired a line of "Joe for President" t-shirts.
Regardless, Joe has come to represent the fundamental difference between the tax policies of Mccain and Obama, and furthermore two interpretations of the American dream.
We've written earlier on targeted facebook ads; but this is really taking it to a new level. People are apparently targeting individuals for advertising. For example, a hopeful media intern has set up facebook ads to target his potential employers. Even better, a dad has set up a facebook ad asking some girls to date his son. So embarrassing!
With advertising everyone can afford, it's turned into a fun new way to communicate. Revenue generation is now secondary. (Valleywag)