It completely stuns me how self-proclaimed public relations gurus can think the medium doesn’t matter; rather, it’s only the pitch. Consider this, though. If you have a 400+ word document pasted in an e-mail line going to a Time Magazine reporter who covers short stints or mentions, do you think he/she will delete a long-winded message without reviewing the content? You bet they will. And you missed out.
Content is important, but format should also be considered in tailoring pitches. TV producers aren’t going to want attachments that lead to visual ads for a product or service. They’re going to want the opportunity for B-roll video, and perhaps then you might get lucky and end up on “the View”.
Another thing—thanks to NPR’s Carol Klinger – the ultimate decision-maker for booking sound bytes on “All Things Considered is (drum roll, please).... great sound content. If this is a surprise to you, then read up on your contacts. Maybe that will explain why you haven’t garnered black-and-white online or off, or even why you’re on someone’s naughty list this Christmas season. Thanks to Chris Anderson at WIRED for being Santa Claus