But we all want to be famous, because if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be online invading blogs, discussion forums and creating original platforms of our own. To those of you who have a fan base, a faithful following of Twitterers or you accrue relentless postings on your own blog spanning passed two people hammering back at one another, congratulations—you’re a celebrity. But for those of you still not up on social media, limited to maintaining a handle on Twitter, having to search out people to follow, you're not quite there yet.
I’m not quite there yet. I NEED to be everywhere online and it takes a lot of reading, commenting, offering advice—invading spaces, kind of like Hitchcock’s “The Birds” only a let less bloody.
One thing for certain is online spaces can be entirely exhausting and your client begs the question, “Where should we be on the Web?” and “What’s in it for us?” A lot is at stake but social media fanatics can tell you strong ROI is just around the corner. What’s more—If you’re not online, how can your client be?
Does this mean you have to spend 4 hours on Twitter “@-ing” people? Probably. Does it mean you must look for opportunities on LinkedIn to comment on people’s ongoing questions of sound PR tactics or writing a news release for the first time? Probably. Does it mean you must be among the many commenters on a credible blogger’s latest post? Absolutely. Should you start a YouTube series based on blenders? No, that’s already been done.
How up are you on social media? The paparazzi is waiting at your company's front door.