The most recent social media candy controversy revolves around an online campaign for
Snickers. In the attempt to go hand-in-hand with Snickers most recent campaign, "Learn To Speak Snacklish," the creative company, Poke created a site in which users could generate their own Snicker's-styled text to use on social networks online. After Snickers threatened to sue them for unauthorized use of their logo and brand image, Poke was forced to take down the site and posted a
blog response saying that Mars overreacted and is now alienating and angering fans.
While some may be upset, I would have to agree with the decision Mars made. Mars has to control their brand image. Anything could be typed into the text generator, including messages that would be inconsistent with their brand messaging and image (such as swearing). This is very similar to the outcome of Skittles decision to make their homepage a live Twitter stream. Mars cannot have people hijacking their brand to be used in immature or crude ways.
What's your take on Mars decision to shut down this campaign?