You wouldn’t think it, but sending your friend a happy birthday message on Facebook foreshadows what is to come to really call social media social media. As social network developers become more attune to what is valuable or who is valuable in your circle of influence, you’re going to see less and less updates from your 500+ friends on Facebook. Chances are you have around 10 friends you actually want to hear from on a regular basis.
Peter Shankman, in an address to the Minnesota Public Relations Society of America, said “you only send a happy birthday message to the people you’d like to stay in contact with, or you care about.” The ability to say happy birthday—it’s on the your Facebook’s home page and it only takes 5 seconds.” Enter the new world of social media.
If you’re not saying happy birthday to the people you care about, do it and see if they get a warm fuzzy and have more likelihood to like you. The same goes for those brands you represent that people want to hear from. Go ahead, tell consumers you hear them and know what they need, so they can have a truly special day that goes beyond their birth.
What do you think? Are social networks going to become more focused like the "5" you see on T-Mobile?