Once a social media community has gotten rolling a bit, it can be tough to keep track of who all is actually following you on Twitter, who reads what you are writing on your blog, and what kinds of people make up your community. It's like a party - you may be having a conversation with a few people on one side of the room while a few new people come in the back door unnoticed. While it can be tough to keep up, it is so important! Google Analytics can only tell you so much.
I want to take this opportunity to reintroduce myself and ask you a few questions. My name is Drew and I work at Axiom Marketing Communications in Minneapolis. We work with a variety of clients on marketing, event promotion, brand management, and social media tactics as well as writing this daily social media blog. In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing broomball during winter, discovering and listening to new music, and digging into LOST. I still have a lot to learn about social media and marketing, but reading and writing blogs as well as engaging in the online community have taught me a lot.
Now about you. Here are a few questions you could answer (any or all):
- What's your name, where are you from, where do you work?
- Favorite hobbies, current projects?
- Favorite blogs or books that you would recommend to others?
- How can we improve Daily Axioms for you? What would you like to see us write about more? Less?
The community at Daily Axioms is so important to us and we truly want to engage and get to know each one of you. Think of it like a party where we can all get to know each other a little more.