If you're a hacker, you might find a new home on the new Facebook. The developers have apparently made it easy for hacker ads to escape their filtered domain and unleash themselves all over the Facebook community. So, if you're a hacker, here's some ideas for another innocent bystander's wall:
1) Have you checked out that blog that is about you? Apparently, it's pretty bad ;( (That face is adorable). I think you and everyone should read it follow this link to deadly virus
2) YOU GOT A (CRUSH) ON YOU, CAN YOU GUESS WHO IT IS? YOU'LL BE SHOCKED, FIND OUT NOW! follow this link to deadly virus
3) Some (love the typo, hacker) thinks your special and has a hot_crush on you. Find out who it could be ;) follow this link to deadly virus
4) Check out this site i found that gives ya awsome! ring_tones. I been on here for hours lol follow this link to deadly virus
5) HAHA! this is hilarious. you have to see it! go here to yet another deadly virus
Hackers, if you come up with anything more creative, we'll make this a top 10 list instead.