A study was recently released by Oxygen Media about the Facebook habits of people ages 18-34. Feel free to check out Mashable's article about the study to get more details, but here's a quick breakdown of the surprising stats regarding females.
34% check Facebook first thing in the morning.
Mark Zuckerberg is probably loving this, because despite all of the warnings and threats of people leaving the social networking site, a third of women in that all-important 18-34 demographic are extremely loyal to Facebook.
42% feel it's okay to post photos of themselves intoxicated.
This was one of the more shocking stats I saw, especially when considering the number of companies who utilize Facebook to some extent in the hiring/interview process. As a side note, 89% also said that you shouldn't post anything on Facebook that you wouldn't want your parents to see, which means a lot of these women don't view public drunkenness as a major issue.
50% are fine with being Facebook friends with complete strangers.
This stat also surprised me, given the debate about Facebook privacy issues. However, the study was also done during the height of the privacy debate (May-June of this year) so it's possible that doing the study just a month or two later would've change things.
49% of women believe it’s fine to keep tabs on a boyfriend by having access to his accounts.
I'll start of by pointing out that 42% of men in this study felt the same way. But either way, this is alarming to me. This is basically saying hacking someone's profile is okay, as long as you're dating them.
I know that's a lot of percentages and stats, but I'm a numbers junkie. I'd highly recommend checking out the story to get more perspective. The one point out of all this that's abundantly clear is that the debate about social media and Facebook is still going strong.