1) Coin a new term or phrase before someone beats you to it, such as #snowmageddon. Translation: Really big snowstorms encroaching on cities big and small, and everyone talks about it.
2) Create your own microblogging application to track trends and get people talking about how ubercool the API is.
3) Tweet out an event’s hashtag with info from the event-- that has at least 50 or more like-minded tweeters there. This year’s #bmasocial crowned @evaekeiser as the trendsetter!
4) Create a themed day of the week with a feel good component. Everyone knows #followfriday all too well, but what about hashtagging #musicmonday? (I’d like to know who started this one).
5) Create a themed day of the week with a funny, malicious component, such as #unfollowfriday
6) Broadcast an event that runs during less popular times of tweeting, so it will be a hot topic by default. (In doing research, Axiom discovered that 1:30-5 p.m. is a crowded time to be on Twitter and there is more likelihood for fail whales in feed flows.
7) Tweet every detail over the course of a 3-hour period that involves a tragedy, hostage situation, or being stuck in an elevator.