Next they overlapped the circle patterns to determine what a new logo should look like also taking into consideration the evolution of bottle shapes and how that affects design.
Apparently by studying the Earth's "naturally occurring electric generator in fluid motion that sustains the Earth's magnetic field" the redesign team was able to determine the best way to align the new Pepsi logo curves of blue and red.
After looking through these diagrams, things really moved from scientific to ridiculous for me. Earth's magnetic fields and angles of the light from stars determining the logo for a sugar water beverage?
I believe the aim of this document was to get people talking and to cause people to write about the absurdity of it (looks like they succeeded in getting me to help them). I can't help but believe that at least a good chunk of this document was pure tongue-in-cheek and humor. I could be wrong. What do you think? Scientific or sham?