Now to you newbies of Denny's, like me, that's any four breakfast items of your choosing for FREE (originally breaks your wallet for 6 bucks). Two Eggs, two sausage links, two pancakes, two bacon strips or two slices of toast. Let's not forget about hash browns, buttermilk biscuits, or english muffins. Four of these breakfast items for free; 99 cents for more? I must be dreaming.
Though it may sound like a commercial ad too good to be true, Twitterers are among the first demographic to share free breakfast news with you, and I'd say Denny knows this because Denny knows social media. Denny's "Adopt a Band" program via Facebook Page has been wildly successful--with Good Charlotte and Taking Back Sunday letting everyone know that inside the diner. Band pics adorn the page, as well as 5,300+ fans. A simplified back-door approach, Denny's Adopt a Band program was part of its effort to rebrand "Denny's All Nighter," to appeal to a more on-the-road and breakfast-worthy demographic. Another brilliant move by the Denny's brand: All Night After Parties complete with a listing of party dates. Wow. Apparently, they've been doing this since 1953 (!), according to their Twitter bio.
You might be thinking Denny's fanbase is a far cry from IHOP's 26,000+ fans on Facebook and today being National Pancake Day and all, but as we've mentioned before, it's all about interactivity. No show of a discussion board or an administrator heavily involved in answering Q&As, but a lovely bunch of loyals touting the free pancake promotion at IHOP restaurants nationwide. Hmm... maybe the Twitter love is all IHOP needs to make themselves memorable among breakfast competitors.
What do you think? Denny's or IHOP for sustainable social media?