Brand cereal special shapes...items on the fast food menu...and then there's Twitter accounts.
As microblogging platforms continue to explode, so do internal marketing/PR tactics on how to get the most bang (or should I say no bang) for your buck on Twitter. The most popular strategy: supplying lots of tweets, but providing the means to an end in building a brand.
Observe the constant Twitter banter between @GOPmccainwin and @BarackObama. Both candidates were in high stakes competition over maximizing one another’s political influence through quality tweets. After November 5, it all came to an end. The question is: should it have stopped? For McCain – perhaps… President-elect Barack Obama – a big hearty “no.” Since the tweeting did cease and myself and many others continue to get Mr. Plouffe’s e-mails, what are followers thinking of Mr. Obama now? Too busy? He's not Tweeting!
Then there’s another side to this: seasonal tweets. How many companies have asked you to jump on their bandwagon – to buy this laptop for this great value, or in general, just providing you tweets on what they are doing for the holidays? So far I’ve met up with @HPHolidayCheer. What are they going to do post-holiday? I’m dying to find out.
What do you think? Will brands receive backlash for limited time tweets if Twitter is at the bare essence a way to reach your consumers direct and with haste?
One last thing- Happy Thanksgiving!