Convince&Convert have a great blog post about companies assuming the worst from social media.
Why do companies assume the worst from social media?
Because they have no control. They worry that when they open themselves up to criticism that consumers will do their worst and unload on them. Companies and people fear things that they cannot control.
Three things companies need to realize:
1. Your customers are already talking about you. This is obvious to 99.9% of you reading this blog post, but some people still don't get it. Do a simple blog or twitter search and see what comes up.
2. Social media is an opportunity, not a threat. Social media gives you the opportunity to connect with customers in a personal way. Creating 100 brand ambassadors through social media will do more for your brand than a 30 second commercial to 1 million people could ever do. Take a look at any article about Microsoft or Apple. In the comments section you will see people defending their brand whether it is a Mac or PC. Leverage social media effectively and you can create consumers who will do the marketing for you.
3. Social media isn't a fad. Change isn't always easy, but evolution is necessary to survive. Your company wouldn't continue to constantly put out the same product year after year without making any improvements to the product, would it? So why would you continue to use the same marketing strategy year after year when there are better ways to connect with consumers?
The Risk and Reward
You never assume the worst will happen in any given situation, so why do it with social media? If I assumed the worst about my drive to work this morning, I probably would have stayed home. Just like with every other decision in life, you should calculate the risk/reward and act accordingly. Social media is no different. Rewards are waiting for those who act.