Today near Geneva, Switzerland, the world's largest particle accelerator was successfully tested. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is 17 miles long and cost about $5 billion, is being used to accelerate and collide particles together to study what the Big Bang would have been like.
Many are concerned about the negative effects of the science project. Scientists have suggested that the testing will create small black holes near the site; some say it spells doom and others say it will be no big deal. While the first tests have been successful, scientists say that it will take a few weeks to get the particles up to full speed. During the next few weeks, in case you are wondering if Europe has been sucked into a black hole, be sure to use the internet to your advantage. It has never been easier to get news updates as they happen; we can now receive news updates before CNN whether it is through Twitter, blogs, or other online communities.
Here is the best way to find out if we are still okay: Has The LHC Destroyed The Earth?