Thursday, August 21, 2008

YOUtube or PrinceTube?

I remember reading about this story a while ago, but I figured that it died down and the lawsuit was thrown out.

Now for the counter-suit:

"The case concerns Stephanie Lenz, a mother who filmed her young children dancing in their kitchen to the Prince song "Let's Go Crazy." She posted her video to YouTube for the enjoyment of family members, only to have the video removed due to a DMCA takedown notice from Universal. She filed a counter-notice stating that her video was non-infringing, and then with the assistance of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, sued Universal for sending a takedown notice over a video she says it should have known was non-infringing."

Interesting article. I remember Prince getting a lot of well deserved flack from this fiasco. What caused this controversy? The video below.