Thursday, August 7, 2008

Word of the Week

There are numerous phrases/words used online that a lot of people have no clue what they mean. I assume most people on blogs know the basics: lol, g2g, brb, omg. But what about some of the other phrases?

Each week, we will feature a word of the week. Today that word is...(insert drumroll)..:

FTW or For The Win

For The Win or FTW is used to give support to a person or product. If you are comparing computers, you might post "Macs FTW!" in a message board.


I believe the origin comes from soccer or more so futbol from Europe. It is a phrase that you commonly hear in sports. Think of a tied-up Lakers game with Kobe taking a shot at the buzzer. The announcer will probably say "Kobe, for the win!"

There you go. Surf the web. Give the phrase a try. If you have kids, you can freak them out by using it. Have fun.

Axiom FTW!